Well, that's it I'm no longer a Teaching Assistant at Birchen Coppice Primary School.
I had a fantastic, if some what tearful last day at work. My teacher, Alison, made sure the day was really special for me.
When I arrived in the morning I found my table covered in a classmade table cloth, with loads of "goodbyes" written all over it from the children in my class. The day was full of hugs and tears off all the children in my class. The other teachers and TA's in year 3/4 had had a collection for me and brought me a gift voucher which I'm hoping to spend in Chester tomorrow. Then in the afternoon they'd arranged a surprise tea party and presented me with a book made by the whole class with photographs of them all in it alongside a message off each of them...and yes! I did cry (again) as did some of the girls...how heart breaking is that. Then finally I had to go into an assembly and stand in front of the whole school to be presented with another card and these beautiful flowers.
I shall miss all the fantastic teachers, teaching assistant's and children in year 3/4.
But would like to say a HUGE "Thank you" to Alison for making my last day so very very special, I really appreciated it.